[−][src]Module gfx_hal::pso
Raw Pipeline State Objects
This module contains items used to create and manage Pipelines.
AttributeDesc | Vertex attribute description. Notably, completely separate from resource |
BakedStates | Baked-in pipeline states. |
BlendDesc | A description of an equation for how to blend transparent, overlapping fragments. |
BlendState | Specifies whether to use blending, and if so, which operations to use for color and alpha channels. |
ClearRect | A simple struct describing a rect with integer coordinates. |
ColorBlendDesc | PSO color target descriptor. |
ColorMask | Target output color mask. |
ComputePipelineDesc | A description of the data needed to construct a compute pipeline. |
DepthBias | A depth bias allows changing the produced depth values for fragments slightly but consistently. This permits drawing of multiple polygons in the same plane without Z-fighting, such as when trying to draw shadows on a wall. |
DepthStencilDesc | PSO depth-stencil target descriptor. |
DepthTest | Depth test state. |
DescriptorPoolCreateFlags | Descriptor pool creation flags. |
DescriptorRangeDesc | Set of descriptors of a specific type. |
DescriptorSetCopy | Copies a range of descriptors to be bound from one descriptor set to another Should be
provided to the |
DescriptorSetLayoutBinding | Information about the contents of and in which stages descriptors may be bound to a descriptor
set at a certain binding point. Multiple |
DescriptorSetWrite | Writes the actual descriptors to be bound into a descriptor set. Should be provided
to the |
Element | A struct element descriptor. |
EntryPoint | Shader entry point. |
Face | Face. |
GraphicsPipelineDesc | A description of all the settings that can be altered when creating a graphics pipeline. |
GraphicsShaderSet | A complete set of shaders to build a graphics pipeline. |
InputAssemblerDesc | All the information needed to create an input assembler. |
Multisampling | |
PipelineCreationFlags | Pipeline creation flags. |
PipelineStage | Stages of the logical pipeline. |
Rasterizer | Rasterization state. |
Rect | A simple struct describing a rect with integer coordinates. |
ShaderStageFlags | Combination of different shader pipeline stages. |
Sided | A generic struct holding the properties of two sides of a polygon. |
Specialization | Specialization information structure. |
SpecializationConstant | Specialization constant for pipelines. |
StencilFace | Complete stencil state for a given side of a face. |
StencilTest | Defines a stencil test. Stencil testing is an operation performed to cull fragments; the new fragment is tested against the value held in the stencil buffer, and if the test fails the fragment is discarded. |
VertexBufferDesc | Vertex buffer description. Notably, completely separate from resource |
Viewport | A viewport, generally equating to a window on a display. |
AllocationError | An error allocating descriptor sets from a pool. |
BasePipeline | A reference to a parent pipeline. The assumption is that a parent and derivative/child pipeline have most settings in common, and one may be switched for another more quickly than entirely unrelated pipelines would be. |
BlendOp | Blending operations. |
BufferDescriptorFormat | Format of a buffer. |
BufferDescriptorType | Specific type of a buffer. |
Comparison | A pixel-wise comparison function. |
CreationError | Error types happening upon PSO creation on the device side. |
Descriptor | A handle to a specific shader resource that can be bound for use in a |
DescriptorType | The type of a descriptor. |
Factor | Defines the possible blending factors. During blending, the source or destination fragment may be multiplied by a factor to produce the final result. |
FrontFace | The front face winding order of a set of vertices. This is the order of vertexes that define which side of a face is the "front". |
ImageDescriptorType | Specific type of an image descriptor. |
LogicOp | Logic operations used for specifying blend equations. |
PolygonMode | Methods for rasterizing polygons, ie, turning the mesh into a raster image. |
Primitive | Describes the type of geometric primitives, created from vertex data. |
Stage | Which program stage this shader represents. |
State | Pipeline state which may be static or dynamic. |
StencilOp | The operation to use for stencil masking. |
VertexInputRate | The rate at which to advance input data to shaders for the given buffer |
DescriptorPool | A descriptor pool is a collection of memory from which descriptor sets are allocated. |
read_spirv | Safely read SPIR-V |
Type Definitions
BufferIndex | Index of a vertex buffer. |
ColorValue | A single RGBA float color. |
DepthValue | A single depth value from a depth buffer. |
DescriptorArrayIndex | |
DescriptorBinding | |
DescriptorSetIndex | |
ElemOffset | Offset of an attribute from the start of the buffer, in bytes |
ElemStride | Offset between attribute values, in bytes |
InstanceRate | Number of instances between each advancement of the vertex buffer. |
Location | Shader binding location. |
PatchSize | Number of vertices in a patch |
SampleMask | |
StencilValue | A single value from a stencil buffer. |
StencilValues | Pair of stencil values that could be either baked into a graphics pipeline or provided dynamically. |